Underground Tornadoes 

Did you know tornadoes can occur below ground, which are called LANDSPOUTS?


The Supersonic Wind  Barrier 

Tornadoes possess incredible wind speeds upto 300 miles/hour. Sometimes more than the speed of sound.


Flying Fish 

Tornadoes can pick up objects of astonishing sizes and weights. In 1947 in Brazil, Tornadoes lifted thousands of fish into the air.


Tornadoes on Ice 

 Tornadoes are not limited to land and water; they can also form on frozen surfaces. Known as "snow devils" or "snow whirlwinds," these icy tornadoes sweep up snow.


The Tornado Whisperers 

Scientists called "tornado whisperers" specialize in using mobile Doppler radars to get within a few hundred feet of tornadoes, collecting vital data for research.


Twister Twins 

Tornadoes can form in pairs. This is known as "sister tornadoes" or "twin tornadoes," spiral around each other and create a jaw-dropping spectacle rarely witnessed by humans.


Tornadoes on Other Planets

Scientists have detected tornado-like features on other celestial bodies, such as Mars and Jupiter.


The Mesmerizing Firenado 

When fire and tornadoes combine, a firenado is born. These phenomena occur when intense wildfires create their own updrafts, generating swirling vortexes.