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📜History of Twitter since its Birth


Welcome to our blog, exploring the captivating journey of Twitter since its birth in 2006. From its humble beginnings as “twttr” to becoming a global social media phenomenon, Twitter has significantly shaped online communication and information sharing. In this article, we will take you on a chronological ride through the key milestones and turning points in the history of Twitter. Discover how Twitter evolved from a mere platform for sharing short messages to a powerful tool for political discourse, news dissemination, and social activism. We will delve into the platform’s exponential growth, its impact on society, and the challenges it has faced along the way. Join us as we unravel the fascinating story behind the rise of Twitter and gain a deeper understanding of its influence in the digital age.

#️⃣Year: 2006

  • Twitter was founded by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams.
  • The platform was initially called “twttr.”
  • The first-ever tweet was sent by Jack Dorsey on March 21, 2006, saying “just setting up my twttr.”

#️⃣Year: 2007

  • Twitter was officially launched to the public on July 15, 2006.
  • The platform gained popularity during the South by Southwest (SXSW) festival in Austin, Texas.
  • The term “tweet” was officially added to the Oxford English Dictionary in June 2007.

#️⃣Year: 2008

  • Twitter’s user base grew significantly during this year.
  • Barack Obama’s presidential campaign effectively utilized Twitter as a communication tool.
  • The “Retweet” feature was introduced, allowing users to easily share others’ tweets.

#️⃣Year: 2009

  • Twitter started experiencing explosive growth, with millions of users joining the platform.
  • The company raised $35 million in funding from various investors.
  • Twitter introduced verified accounts to distinguish public figures and celebrities from fake accounts.

#️⃣Year: 2010

  • Twitter reached over 100 million active users.
  • The “Promoted Tweets” advertising platform was launched.
  • Twitter introduced the “New Twitter” redesign, enhancing user experience and adding new features.
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#️⃣Year: 2011

  • Twitter played a significant role in spreading information during the Arab Spring uprisings.
  • The platform introduced the “Discover” tab, making it easier to find interesting content.
  • Twitter launched “Twitter for iPad” and “Twitter for Android” applications.

#️⃣Year: 2012

  • Twitter acquired Vine, a video-sharing app.
  • The company introduced the “Twitter Cards” feature, allowing rich media previews within tweets.
  • Twitter surpassed 500 million registered users.

#️⃣Year: 2013

  • Twitter became a publicly traded company with its IPO on November 7, 2013.
  • The company introduced “Twitter Alerts” to deliver critical information during emergencies.
  • Vine gained popularity as users shared six-second looping videos.

#️⃣Year: 2014

  • Twitter launched “Twitter Analytics” to provide insights into tweet performance.
  • The platform introduced group direct messages and mobile video sharing.
  • Twitter acquired MoPub, a mobile ad exchange platform.

#️⃣Year: 2015

  • Twitter celebrated its 10th anniversary.
  • The company introduced the “Moments” feature, curating the day’s top stories.
  • Twitter changed its character limit, allowing users to compose tweets with 280 characters.

#️⃣Year: 2016

  • Rumours were circulating that Twitter was actively seeking acquisition, with Salesforce being considered a potential buyer.
  • Twitter and Facebook faced criticism for allowing influential users, including Donald Trump, who eventually won the U.S. presidential election that year, to spread misleading information without facing the consequences.
  • Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s CEO, acknowledged the presence of President-elect Trump on the platform, emphasizing that it provided a direct line of communication for him.
    Dorsey stated that this new dynamic showcased a world where thoughts and expressions were instantly visible to everyone, creating opportunities for real-time conversations.
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#️⃣Year: 2017

  • Twitter experienced a positive turn as its stock rose, indicating an upward trend.
  • The company’s financial situation showed improvement, contributing to its positive outlook.
  • Despite the positive developments for Twitter, President Trump remained an influential figure on the platform.
  • Based on Twitter’s data, Trump was the most-tweeted-about global leader worldwide and within the United States during that year.

#️⃣Year: 2018

  • Senate Intelligence Committee Testimony:
    Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, and Sheryl Sandberg, then-operating chief of Facebook, testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee regarding allegations of Russian-linked interference in the 2016 election.
  • Allegations of Political Bias:
    President Trump and fellow Republicans began expressing concerns over perceived political bias on Twitter and other social media platforms.
  • Twitter’s Response to Political Bias Claims:
    Jack Dorsey addressed the issue of political bias, stating that Twitter, from a business perspective and to foster public conversation, had the incentive to maintain a platform that includes diverse voices.

#️⃣Year: 2019

  • Trump’s Twitter Impact on Markets:
    Analysts identified connections between President Trump’s frequent and extensive use of Twitter and its impact on various markets, including gold.
    This correlation highlighted the significant cultural influence wielded by Twitter.
  • Trump’s Meeting with Dorsey:
    President Trump invited Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, for a meeting.
    A Twitter spokesperson confirmed the meeting and described it as constructive.
  • Discussion Topics:
    During the meeting, the spokesperson stated that the focus was on Twitter’s dedication to safeguarding the integrity of public discourse leading up to the 2020 U.S. elections.

#️⃣Year: 2020

  • Misinformation During the Covid-19 Pandemic:
    The global spread of Covid-19 led to a surge in the dissemination of misinformation within online discussions.
    Like other platforms, Twitter grappled with the challenge of combating the spread of false information during this period.
  • Business Growth Challenges:
    Twitter faced difficulties in expanding its business during this time.
    The platform encountered various obstacles that hindered its growth trajectory.
  • Hacking Incident:
    In a notable security breach, Twitter experienced a hacking incident.
    Malicious actors gained unauthorized access to more than a dozen prominent accounts, including those belonging to Joe Biden, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk.
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#️⃣Year: 2021

  • Permanent Ban of Trump:
    Twitter permanently banned former President Trump due to his inflammatory remarks during the U.S. Capitol riots in January.
    The company expressed concerns that Trump’s comments could potentially incite further violence.
  • Allegations of Coordination:
    In response to his ban, Trump alleged that Twitter employees had coordinated with Democrats and the Radical Left to silence him by removing his account from the platform.
  • Leadership Change:
    Following these events, Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, unexpectedly stepped down from his position.
    Parag Agrawal, the company’s Chief Technology Officer, was appointed as Dorsey’s replacement, assuming the CEO role.

#️⃣Year: 2022

  • Musk’s Takeover of Twitter:
    Following a lengthy legal dispute, Elon Musk assumed control of Twitter.
    The legal battle was scheduled for trial in Delaware’s Court of Chancery but was resolved before reaching court.
    In April, Musk had initially agreed to acquire Twitter for $44 billion but later attempted to back out of the deal.
  • Partnership with Shopify:
    In June 2022, Twitter announced a collaboration with e-commerce giant Shopify.
    As part of this partnership, Twitter revealed plans to launch a sales channel app specifically for U.S. Shopify merchants.
  • Whistleblower Complaint and Data Breach Allegations:
    On August 23, 2022, a whistleblower complaint by former information security head Peiter Zatko was made public following his dismissal from Twitter in January 2022.
    The complaint accuses Twitter of failing to disclose multiple data breaches, maintaining inadequate security measures, violating U.S. securities regulations, and breaching a previous settlement with the Federal Trade Commission regarding user data protection.
    The complaint also alleges that the Indian government compelled Twitter to hire one of its agents to gain direct access to user data.

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Source: ColdFusion


In conclusion, the history of Twitter since its birth in 2006 showcases an extraordinary journey of innovation, influence, and cultural transformation. From its early days of limited characters to its status as a global communication powerhouse, Twitter has revolutionized how we connect and share information. We have witnessed its role in shaping political discourse, breaking news, and empowering social movements. Twitter has faced challenges, controversies, and even legal battles throughout its history, yet it has continued to evolve and adapt. As we look back on the history of Twitter since its birth in 2006, it becomes evident that this platform has become an integral part of our modern digital landscape, forever changing how we communicate and engage with the world around us.

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